Is Functional Training Strength Training?
Fro decades, strength training has been found hand-in-hand with sports, and for good reason; strong athletes make good athletes. However, there has been a trend of functional training formed due to other professions (Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, etc.) trying to keep their hand in the pie. As a result, coaches have listened to these "higher authority" figures and have lost sight of what raw strength and power can do for an athlete with true potential. After all, strength can only be produced by force, and if the athletes are too busy trying to balance on a ball with one foot while curling a weight with the opposite arm and blowing a kazoo to "initiate the diaphragm," how can you possibly raise their capacity of force production (i.e. Strength)? Therefore, lets keep athletes strong and healthy by using productive squats, dead lifts, and presses while leaving "functional training" to the self proclaimed professionals.

Written well. Clever and creative.